We understand...

Attention high-performing career-minded individuals! Do you prioritize your career goals and are incredibly driven but don't have the time for your personal/health goals? I know people who have been there, and it cost them their confidence, self-esteem, health, and sometimes life.

Being career-minded and driven while finding time to lose weight is difficult. On top of that, many of us are parents and take on other responsibilities. We spend so much time trying to be successful that we neglect ourselves and our health, leading to the body's deterioration. But you are not alone! You will be supported and accounted for and get the results you deserve. Let's find balance in this chaos and prioritize ourselves!

It's time!

Take small steps in the direction of your health to make a difference! This way, you'll feel 100% in control of your food and won't sabotage your healthy eating plan. Feel 100% confident and satisfied in your body and create a positive relationship with how to gauge your progress without letting the scale dictate your success in your journey. Keep it consistent and create a healthy lifestyle so that results last.

All the resources needed to live a healthy lifestyle


    The top fitness tips, quick & easy recipes, and top-of-the-line workouts. Personal accountability from our coaches. Personalized workout calendarWorkouts designed for you, complete with instructional videos, delivered via an easy-to-use app & website—graphs so you can see your progress.


    Group sessions based on custom topics, accountability, Q&As, goal setting, etc. You will discover why we do what we do and how the mindset is as essential for your transformation as physical effort. As we brainstorm and help you find solutions to live a happier, more fulfilling life, a coach will guide you in the direction you want to go.


    We’ll discuss topics on how to structure your meals and eat foods you love and still meet your goals, proper portion guides, meal planning and preparation, maximizing calorie burn throughout your day, emotional eating approved foods and recipes, exercise motivation, healthy ingredient substitutions, grocery shopping lists, templates for meal planning, food intake, etc.

Javon Smith

Owner/Kinesiologist/Health Coach

I am a Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach and a Nationally Accredited Certified Personal Trainer certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). I have a degree in Kinesiology with a minor in nutrition from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), and I am a Doctor of Occupational Therapy candidate. I am here to help remote professionals improve posture, tone muscle, and lose weight. I help busy individuals get the desired results by influencing a "Habits Towards Health" culture. This methodology shifts the focus from weight loss toward creating sustainable habits toward a healthy lifestyle. Through a decade of helping people, I've had the privilege of helping hundreds of people lose thousands of pounds. I'm committed to helping you become the best version of yourself.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Gorilla Red: Lifestyle Wellness Academy

    2. Module 1: Introduction

    3. Lesson 1: Understanding Personal Wellness

    4. Lesson 2: Setting Wellness Goals

    5. Lesson 3: Assessing Current Lifestyle Choices

    6. Module 1: Quiz

About this course

  • $3,499.00
  • 6 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today